A global organization that represents the interests of the alternative investment industry, including hedge funds, private equity, and other types of alternative investments. AIMA promotes transparency, integrity, and best practices in the sector.

ANBIMA's Role: Member. We participate in initiatives that foster best practices and transparency in alternative investments.



A global organization that represents the interests of the alternative investment industry, including hedge funds, private equity, and other types of alternative investments. AIMA promotes transparency, integrity, and best practices in the sector.

ANBIMA's Role: Member. We participate in initiatives that foster best practices and transparency in alternative investments.



A global organization that represents the interests of the alternative investment industry, including hedge funds, private equity, and other types of alternative investments. AIMA promotes transparency, integrity, and best practices in the sector.

ANBIMA's Role: Member. We participate in initiatives that foster best practices and transparency in alternative investments.


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