
A global non-profit organization that promotes education and research in alternative investments, including private equity, hedge funds, real estate, and commodities.

ANBIMA's Role: ANBIMA partners with CAIA to grant certification equivalencies for professionals who have earned the CAIA designation, similar to its partnership with the CFA Institute.



A global non-profit organization that promotes education and research in alternative investments, including private equity, hedge funds, real estate, and commodities.

ANBIMA's Role: ANBIMA partners with CAIA to grant certification equivalencies for professionals who have earned the CAIA designation, similar to its partnership with the CFA Institute.



A global non-profit organization that promotes education and research in alternative investments, including private equity, hedge funds, real estate, and commodities.

ANBIMA's Role: ANBIMA partners with CAIA to grant certification equivalencies for professionals who have earned the CAIA designation, similar to its partnership with the CFA Institute.


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