CDP Latin America

An arm of the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP Latin America is a non-profit organization that mobilizes companies and governments to disclose their environmental impacts and take actions for sustainable development. CDP Latin America focuses on transparency and sustainable resource management in the region.

ANBIMA's Role: Member of the Board. ANBIMA helps promote environmental transparency and sustainable practices across Latin America.


CDP Latin America

An arm of the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP Latin America is a non-profit organization that mobilizes companies and governments to disclose their environmental impacts and take actions for sustainable development. CDP Latin America focuses on transparency and sustainable resource management in the region.

ANBIMA's Role: Member of the Board. ANBIMA helps promote environmental transparency and sustainable practices across Latin America.


CDP Latin America

An arm of the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP Latin America is a non-profit organization that mobilizes companies and governments to disclose their environmental impacts and take actions for sustainable development. CDP Latin America focuses on transparency and sustainable resource management in the region.

ANBIMA's Role: Member of the Board. ANBIMA helps promote environmental transparency and sustainable practices across Latin America.


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