
An organization that integrates mutual and collective investment fund associations from Ibero-America. FIAFIN promotes the growth and healthy development of the investment fund sector in the region.

ANBIMA's Role: It chaired FIAFIN for two terms (2010 and 2012) and served as deputy chair in 2020. Currently, ANBIMA leads the self-regulation committee, focusing on enhancing self-regulatory practices among member associations.



An organization that integrates mutual and collective investment fund associations from Ibero-America. FIAFIN promotes the growth and healthy development of the investment fund sector in the region.

ANBIMA's Role: It chaired FIAFIN for two terms (2010 and 2012) and served as deputy chair in 2020. Currently, ANBIMA leads the self-regulation committee, focusing on enhancing self-regulatory practices among member associations.



An organization that integrates mutual and collective investment fund associations from Ibero-America. FIAFIN promotes the growth and healthy development of the investment fund sector in the region.

ANBIMA's Role: It chaired FIAFIN for two terms (2010 and 2012) and served as deputy chair in 2020. Currently, ANBIMA leads the self-regulation committee, focusing on enhancing self-regulatory practices among member associations.


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