A global organization that represents national and regional associations in the investment funds industry. IIFA's mission is to protect investors, promote industry growth, and uphold high ethical standards.

ANBIMA's Role: Member since 2003. ANBIMA has chaired IIFA twice (2012, 2020) and currently sits on the Board of Directors. It is active in several working committees, including those on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), cybersecurity, and regulatory affairs.



A global organization that represents national and regional associations in the investment funds industry. IIFA's mission is to protect investors, promote industry growth, and uphold high ethical standards.

ANBIMA's Role: Member since 2003. ANBIMA has chaired IIFA twice (2012, 2020) and currently sits on the Board of Directors. It is active in several working committees, including those on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), cybersecurity, and regulatory affairs.



A global organization that represents national and regional associations in the investment funds industry. IIFA's mission is to protect investors, promote industry growth, and uphold high ethical standards.

ANBIMA's Role: Member since 2003. ANBIMA has chaired IIFA twice (2012, 2020) and currently sits on the Board of Directors. It is active in several working committees, including those on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), cybersecurity, and regulatory affairs.


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