
A global body that brings together securities regulators from around the world. IOSCO develops and promotes adherence to internationally recognized standards for financial market regulation.

ANBIMA's Role: Member since 2005. We actively participate in IOSCO discussions, particularly within the Affiliate Members Consultative Committee (AMCC), which consists of approximately 74 members representing securities markets, derivatives, other market infrastructures, and self-regulatory organizations. ANBIMA chaired the committee for three consecutive terms from 2012 to 2018.

We are also involved in the following groups within IOSCO:

AMCC Artificial Intelligence Working Group
  • Established in 2024 by IOSCO with a two-year mandate.

  • Purpose: To foster a shared understanding among IOSCO members regarding potential issues, risks, and challenges posed by artificial intelligence technologies.

  • Focus Areas: Market integrity, financial stability, and investor protection.

AMCC Index Provider Working Group
  • Purpose: To assess various issues related to the practices of index providers.

  • Role: Advises IOSCO on potential recommendations and guidelines concerning index provider conduct.

Primary Market Network
  • Purpose: To facilitate discussions on the overall landscape and origination processes of capital market operations across different jurisdictions.

  • Function: Provides a platform for sharing insights and best practices related to primary market activities.

AMCC Steering Group
  • Purpose: To convene regularly between the annual and semi-annual AMCC meetings.

  • Role: Ensures ongoing updates and progress on the AMCC's agenda and work programs, maintaining momentum and addressing emerging issues promptly.



A global body that brings together securities regulators from around the world. IOSCO develops and promotes adherence to internationally recognized standards for financial market regulation.

ANBIMA's Role: Member since 2005. We actively participate in IOSCO discussions, particularly within the Affiliate Members Consultative Committee (AMCC), which consists of approximately 74 members representing securities markets, derivatives, other market infrastructures, and self-regulatory organizations. ANBIMA chaired the committee for three consecutive terms from 2012 to 2018.

We are also involved in the following groups within IOSCO:

AMCC Artificial Intelligence Working Group
  • Established in 2024 by IOSCO with a two-year mandate.

  • Purpose: To foster a shared understanding among IOSCO members regarding potential issues, risks, and challenges posed by artificial intelligence technologies.

  • Focus Areas: Market integrity, financial stability, and investor protection.

AMCC Index Provider Working Group
  • Purpose: To assess various issues related to the practices of index providers.

  • Role: Advises IOSCO on potential recommendations and guidelines concerning index provider conduct.

Primary Market Network
  • Purpose: To facilitate discussions on the overall landscape and origination processes of capital market operations across different jurisdictions.

  • Function: Provides a platform for sharing insights and best practices related to primary market activities.

AMCC Steering Group
  • Purpose: To convene regularly between the annual and semi-annual AMCC meetings.

  • Role: Ensures ongoing updates and progress on the AMCC's agenda and work programs, maintaining momentum and addressing emerging issues promptly.



A global body that brings together securities regulators from around the world. IOSCO develops and promotes adherence to internationally recognized standards for financial market regulation.

ANBIMA's Role: Member since 2005. We actively participate in IOSCO discussions, particularly within the Affiliate Members Consultative Committee (AMCC), which consists of approximately 74 members representing securities markets, derivatives, other market infrastructures, and self-regulatory organizations. ANBIMA chaired the committee for three consecutive terms from 2012 to 2018.

We are also involved in the following groups within IOSCO:

AMCC Artificial Intelligence Working Group
  • Established in 2024 by IOSCO with a two-year mandate.

  • Purpose: To foster a shared understanding among IOSCO members regarding potential issues, risks, and challenges posed by artificial intelligence technologies.

  • Focus Areas: Market integrity, financial stability, and investor protection.

AMCC Index Provider Working Group
  • Purpose: To assess various issues related to the practices of index providers.

  • Role: Advises IOSCO on potential recommendations and guidelines concerning index provider conduct.

Primary Market Network
  • Purpose: To facilitate discussions on the overall landscape and origination processes of capital market operations across different jurisdictions.

  • Function: Provides a platform for sharing insights and best practices related to primary market activities.

AMCC Steering Group
  • Purpose: To convene regularly between the annual and semi-annual AMCC meetings.

  • Role: Ensures ongoing updates and progress on the AMCC's agenda and work programs, maintaining momentum and addressing emerging issues promptly.


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